Located in the center of the Wailuku downtown area in Maui, Hawaii, the redevelopment of the Municipal Parking Lot presents a challenge for revitalization of the commercial core. To achieve Maui County’s goal of providing 400-500 stalls, Watry Design proposed three design options for the parking structure, which reflect different circulation patterns and site improvements for the constrained site.
The massing of the structure for Option A creates an impression of a two-story façade along the street side, whereas the three-story building is expressed on the other sides. The structure was designed as an infill project on the sloping site surrounded by buildings on three sides. The design was created within the context of Wailuku downtown by employing an awning, tile roof and historic symbol.
Project Details
- Owner: County of Maui
- Project Status: Completed 2002
- Parking Stalls: 437
- Levels: 4
- Total Sq Ft: 150,000
- Sq Ft per Stall: 343
- Total Project Cost: $ 7,036,000
- Per Stall Cost: $15,530