The Kaiser Santa Teresa Medical Campus is a collection of old and new buildings. As the campus has expanded through the years, the need for adequate and convenient parking has also grown.
Watry Design, Inc. was hired by Kaiser Santa Teresa to conduct a comprehensive study of the existing parking functionality at the campus, to analyze problems with site circulation and parking allocation and to compile a report listing our recommended modifications to the current campus layout.
Watry Design conducted the parking study using a multitude of techniques for gathering data, including site visits, extensive user group meetings, a parking questionnaire which was available in hard copy and on line, town hall meetings were held and email and voicemail hotlines were set up.
The final report addressed:
- Entrance and Exit queuing
- Parking Supply and Demand
- Pedestrian Circulation
- Vehicle Circulation
- Safety and Security
- Lighting in parking lots
- Parking Management Techniques
- Parking Enforcement Issues
- Stakeholder involvement
Project Details
- Owner: Kaiser Santa Teresa
- Project Status: Completed 2004