When the City of Davis observed that its parking structure at 1st and F Street was underutilized, Watry Design was asked to provide a condition assessment and recommend strategies for making the facility more user friendly and create more awareness of available parking.
After conducting on-site visits, observing the facility and speaking with patrons parking within the structure, the team developed a variety of solutions that would improve functionality, aesthetics, security and wayfindings. In addition, the team provided a list of recommended maintenance and repairs.
To create a more user-friendly and functional environment, the team's recommendations included a number of improvements. A circulation solution was developed that would eliminate dangerous vehicle conflicts created by insufficient turning radii at the speed ramps. A redesigned parking layout increasing the width of compact stalls was proposed to create a better customer experience while avoiding unusable spaces caused by large cars and trucks parking in compact spaces.

Improved wayfinding included repairing the non-functional parking guidance system to aid circulation and reduce congestion created by cars entering a full structure and being forced to turn around upon reaching a dead end.
New interior signage was recommended to speed up traffic flow and avoid vehicular conflicts. Adding exterior signage to direct visitors to the parking structure from the rest of downtown and blade signage to the structure's frontage was suggested to improve visibility and awareness.
The team also recommended trimming and removing overgrown and dead landscaping to make the main entrance more visible, as well as safety upgrades including improving lighting, painting the interior to make the structure feel more welcoming and installing blue light safety phones.
Project Details
- Owner: City of Davis
- Project Status: Completed 2012